As I've said before, these recurring tropes are what put me off a lot of heroic fantasy fiction. I much prefer flawed fantasy worlds that the author isn't presenting as an admirable ideal (eg Vance's Lyonesse) or even as outright satire (Gormenghast -- arguably).

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I'd probably enjoy writing something that uses these tropes and turns them into something very negative. Arguably, that's exactly what GRRM did with GoT: he starts off with a fairly traditional fantasy world and then shows us how utterly horrific it is.

I could definitely work with the idea of former European royalty trying to overthrow the state and restore the monarchy - preferably some royal house that was deposed several centuries ago. I can see real potential in that story.

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My father-in-law wrote a novel (this was about 25 years ago) in which a former Soviet state got in such a mess that they invited back the current heirs to their pre-WW2 monarchy, who turned out to be twin brothers who were pupils at an English public school. It was kind of fun, but mainly because he took a kind of Don Camillo approach in which neither side (the royalists and the communists) had all the answers.

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I'd probably enjoy reading that, for all sorts of reasons.

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The title was Comrade Majesty. I kept telling him it would make a great TV series, but scriptwriting was alien territory to him. I wish I'd kept a copy -- my brother-in-law collected all his papers when he died, so maybe the manuscript still exists somewhere.

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Ahhh... not published, then?

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No, sadly. He got into a holding pattern of endlessly tweaking the thing and never got around to submitting it.

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You know I've never noticed any of that, and that bothers me. It means that it is subtly seeping into the subconscious of those of us who read this - not that I think slavery, killing people, misogyny, rule just because of bloodline are ok at all - but it does make me wonder what I've subconsciously consumed!!

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Yeah, it was quite an eye-opener when I realized this.

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Well thank you for resharing :)

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